Monday, October 29, 2012

Paranormal Activity 4

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of movies out in theaters these days. Once in a while a movie comes along that people know will be good. Most of the time, people seem to enjoy the movies that are either in a trilogy or are the next film in a sequence. I am one of those people. I only really every go to the movies to see the big hit films that have 3 or 4 in a series. Some obvious examples would be Twilight and The Hunger games, both of which I have read the books. The film I most recently saw, on Thursday, was Paranormal Activity 4. I’ve seen all of them leading up to the fourth and I was really excited for it. A lot of people I know don’t exactly like these films. The reason is because even though I consider it a scary movie, they don’t think it is. They see it as more of a pathetic attempt at a scary movie. They are the only scary movies that I will watch and enjoy watching. The reason is because my friends and I always go and see them at the theater when they come out. So, when I heard there was going to be a fourth one I was super excited.
            I was expecting this movie to be the best out of all of them. That is how it’s supposed to work, right? Each film gets better and better than the previous. So when we got to the theater I was really scared. I really don’t like scary movies, its more about experiencing it with my friends. I usually sit through the whole movie with my ears plugged and eyes covered, but it is still enjoyable.
Once the movie started I was prepared for the worst. Of course there was the usual door slamming out of nowhere and things popping up on screen. My friends were laughing through a lot of it, because sometimes that’s all you can do at these movies. But, nearing the end we know it was going to get terrifying. Things started happening more quickly and this demon woman was killing everyone. The last scene of the movie is the main character trying to get away from the demon woman and opening a door outside to reveal thousands of these demon creatures. I was scared out of my mind just because of how creepy the whole thing was!
Then I had to drive home alone in the dark, which of course freaked me out because I just thought about the movie the whole time. To make matters worse, my house is on a street that is mostly woods. Eventually I made it home though and didn’t think about the movie too much again.
Although the movie was scary, it definitely wasn’t as scary as the third film. I still like watching it, but the previous was by far the best of the four. I think that this might have been the last movie in the series, which is a little upsetting. I guess I will just have to find a new series to get hooked on watching. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Eating a Stawberry

A strawberry is a strange fruit of the planet earth. It is a very common fruit among the people of the planet. They are usually grown on a farm wear they can be easily accessed and picked right off of their plant. On the outside, a strawberry can look extremely delicious. Hey have a decadent red skin that looks moist to the touch. Covering the body of the fruit are little seeds that create a bumpy texture when you do touch the strawberry. The shape of the fruit is similar to a triangle with rounded edges. It is also a little bit circular. On the top of it are green leaves. There are usually 3 or 4 and lay flat on the top of the fruit. On the inside the colors change from red on the very outside, to pink about halfway through, to white at the very center. There is no pit in the middle; it is just the meat of the fruit the whole way through. The whole fruit is edible except for the leaves. Now comes the time to eat this wonderful looking fruit. First, you will need to pick it up. People use these things called “hands”, which are attached to the body and allow them to grab things, like strawberries. Once you have a hold of the strawberry you can start eating eat. People do this by using their mouths. This is a hole in the middle of the face. Once it is in the mouth people use their teeth to break off a good piece of the strawberry. Once it is bitten into, you can feel all the juice burst out of the strawberry. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, to taste the flavor of this amazing looking fruit. But, once you’ve bitten into it, you realize that it was a huge mistake. The taste that comes from the fruit is one of the worst you’ve ever experienced. It tastes like some sort of unexplainable fruity taste, but it is definitely not enjoyable. While tasting the awful fruit you forget that there were seeds covering the whole fruit! When you go to chew with the “teeth” in your mouth, teeth are hard white bones used for chewing food, you feel all the seeds in-between your jaw. Immediately you spit out this awful fruit and keep spitting until it has all left your mouth. Usually after this happens a person goes for a glass of water to completely rinse their mouth of the awful taste. Trying so hard to get all of the strawberry out of their mouth. After an experience like this, you probably will never want to eat a strawberry again. Just remembering the taste, the texture, and the misleading outer image, will bring chills to your spine. The best advice I can give to stay far away from strawberries. This can be hard at times here on earth because they can be snuck into anything. Like strawberry banana smoothies, or in your yogurt. Just know not to eat one when you see it.